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A dream to inherit traditions has come true:An interview with the prestigious New York-based restaurant Rice Noodle Roll (Yin Ji Chang Fen)

Yin Ji Chang Fen, a restaurant emerging in Guangzhou China more than half a century ago, is widely known for the precious intangible cultural heritage it invented - the traditional Handmade Steamed Rice Noodle Roll, which is also a dish reminiscent of hometown flavor for many natives of Guangdong.  In recent years, Yin Ji Chang Fen has successfully taken a going global approach to expand its presence all over the world with its unique techniques and widely loved flavors.

Yin Ji Rice Noodle Roll


91 Bayard St New York, NY 10013

(212) 227-4888

38-12 Prince St, Queens, NY 11354

(315) 878-6668

Authentic flavors better than ever

The New York-based Yin Ji Chang Fen was established by a bunch of young men from Guangzhou. With a dream to promote cuisine from home, they worked hard to perfectly duplicate the authentic steamed rice noodle rolls and congee, right from the selection of ingredients, preparation techniques to services, and brought them here. They maintain stringent preparation criteria and rigorous making processes, which helps them win the praise of “better than the headquarters restaurant in Guangzhou” and achieve a spectacular fame in New York manifested by the long waiting lines on the very date of business opening.

The signature dish Marinated Beef and Shrimp with Chives Rice Noodle Roll consists of carefully selected high-grade fresh beef, as well as hand-milled rice as the base, made by the traditional handmade steamed rice roll techniques. With ingenious chef work, the dish is a visual and taste feast featuring “jade-white, paper thin and smooth and slight resilient texture”.

Another Cantonese specialty of the restaurant is Sliced Pork with Liver and Kidney Congee, which is prepared by typical method of cooking raw ingredients in boiling rice porridge. First, add fresh pork, pork liver and kidney to boiling rice porridge carefully prepared for three hours, and then complement it with condiments like ginger and scallion. And the result is a fresh, smooth, fragrant and mellow congee that offers infinite aftertastes.

To produce the most authentic Hong Kong Style Milk Tea, the restaurant chooses to import tea by air from Hong Kong regardless of the cost. The most distinct silk stocking milk tea preparation method is applied to evoke a clash between milk and tea fragrances, giving rise to tastes of richness, smoothness and overflowing fragrances.

Unprecedented success achieved by vigorous planning and strict requirements

 “Preparing every dish with heart” is not just a slogan for the restaurant, but it is also a practice faithfully followed by it. The operating team has developed a practical and detailed plan for brand development. For example, the various roles in team and competence training is allocated in detail and long-term development for the restaurant is also in place. Every step is well planned and carefully executed. Exceptionally high criteria and requirements are imposed on dish invention and restaurant sanitation.

It is also because of such extremely rigid rules, top-class offerings and rigorous operating principles that the restaurant manages to stand out in a fiercely competitive catering market in New York. The owner has opened two restaurants within two consecutive years, harvesting both popularity and word-of-mouth recommendations. More importantly, it has been broadly covered by New York Post, New York Easter, Gothamist and Sing Tao, a very rare phenomenon in the local market.

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Same ideals and persistence as ever

At the restaurant, a dream to inherit traditions has come true. At Yin Ji, operators share the same dream that is nothing more than offering a bowl of hot congee or steamed rice noodle rolls - the taste of homes - to warm the stomach of dream chasers in this bustling and hustling place, and in that process, serving as a messenger bridging the cultures with the traditional crafts passed down from ancient times.

Nothing in this dream concerns fame or materialistic gain, but it has everything to do with an awe towards and protection over traditional cuisine culture so as to provide an opportunity to allow people far away from home to enjoy traditional Cantonese food anytime they like; it also goes with an aspiration to let more people understand and appreciate the cuisine brand that has been claimed as “intangible cultural of China”. 


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