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Healthy Noodle House: Getting Much More Than a Healthy Meal

Healthy Noodle House: Getting Much More Than a Healthy Meal


Healthy Noodle House
(778) 371-8371
2716 W 4th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6K 3V9

Exquisite and delicious food should be of dual values in healthiness and flavor, which is more true when it comes to noodle making. 

Colin, the owner of Healthy Noodle House, wasn’t originally trained as a chef when he first came to Canada more than 40 years ago. Nor did he have any experience in restaurant business. He officially started the restaurant in July 2004, when he bought a shop near their tailor’s shop with the savings achieved from years of tailoring business. 

Decorated in a minimal and graceful style, the Healthy Noodle House offers a clean and tidy environment that attracts a large base of repeat diners who are mostly local residents. Health Noodle House provides 5 types of noodles and 12 side dishes that balance the nutrition of both vegetables and meat. Diners are allowed to select from a broad spectrum of options based on their dietary and flavor preferences. Free of any MSG or cooking oil in the soup, the noodles prepared by the restaurant taste neither too oily nor too salty, and retain, to the largest possible extent, the original ingredient flavors. The chili sauce made by Colin is also a highly acclaimed offering among customers, which is so popular that a guest even bought over 60 bottles in one single purchase, planning to share it as a gift for friends and relatives in his wedding. Colin often generously share with guests how his food is prepared as he always maintains that there is no secret recipe in his restaurant. 

At the restaurant, special attention is given to the freshness and quality of the ingredients, anything that is found to be stale will be immediately disposed of.  Employees also keep an keen eye on how well the restaurant's food is enjoyed by customers while providing services. If a guest leaves no food on their trays, they would be gratified that their efforts are recognized; however, if a guest leaves much food untouched, they would also inquire for the guest's inputs and suggestions, or even offer to cover the bill by the restaurant itself. It is a caring, rigorous and modest attitude towards service that has enabled the restaurant to gain a large base of repeat customers and considerably positive word of mouth over the past 15 years. 
Given its relatively small size, sanitary work of the restaurant is done by the owner himself and two other employees. But that doesn’t mean the sanitation standard is lowered in any way. Any corner containing germs or grime that may undermine the dining environment will be cleaned. 

Colin implements a people-oriented philosophy in management. In earlier days, he would provide, personally, instructions to employees to help them quickly get started. After they familiarize with the routine practices, he would delegate the responsibility to his employees, and provide prompt reminders for any mistakes. Treating employees as friends and working with them shoulder to shoulder, he never exert to much pressure on them, as he believes that only happy employees are the ones that create true value for the restaurant. 

A highly confident person, Colin has a firm faith in every choice and decision he makes, which may also explain why he has been able to maintain the business up to date. Colin has been upholding a motto of “diligence and attentiveness” whether in restaurant operation or interpersonal relations. For the time being, he is quite satisfied with the performance of his restaurant and has no intention to set any specific goals for the future. He still maintains his usual practice - to close for a one-month break every three or four months, which gives him an opportunity to return to his home country or take a trip to relax. Colin candidly admits that, as he steps into his older age, he no longer regards profit making as a goal of restaurant operation. 

Over the long remaining years of his life, he prefers to make happiness the top priority in everything he does. He says he may find himself confronted with yet other difficulties or challenges in the future, but as long as he tries his best with whole hearted commitment, the outcome will not be much of a concern. 


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