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Miso Roast Chicken

Miso Roast Chicken complete

This has been the summer of racking up airline miles – New York City, Chicago, Las Vegas, Salt Lake City, New York City, Buffalo and New York City again tomorrow to speak at BlogHer conference. Last week’s trip to Buffalo was spent visiting Scott’s mom, “Mimi.”

It’s only been three months since Papa passed away, but time stretches out when you miss someone terribly. We’ve been trying to do as much as we can for Mimi, streamlining her finances, untangling the insurance bills and helping her with all the fix-it jobs, tech questions and stuff that Papa had always taken care of. It’s been a challenge, with us in Florida and Mimi living alone in Buffalo, NY. We’ve managed, with the help of video chat, email, Skype and good ol’ telephone.

They say that it’s always good for the widow to stay put and not make any big plans or travel for 6 months after the death of a spouse, Mimi has done really well creating a new routine for herself, continuing to work for the local quilt shop, lunches with her friends and outings with the neighbors.

The highlight of our visit was every morning, when the boys’ would sneak out of their bed and tip toe over to Mimi and snuggle on the couch with her.

I cooked in her kitchen, using the strong knives that she’s had for over 30 years, a roasting pan that’s probably older than me and a aged, solid walnut cutting board that Scott has used since he was a little boy.

In my own kitchen, I’m spoiled with shiny electronics, brand new tools, silicon spatulas. Despite having a cook’s treasure trove of kitchen gadgets, there’s something that my kitchen is missing. History. Mimi’s kitchen has history.

Miso Roast Chicken cut-up

Miso Roast Chicken Recipe

This is another miso recipe that I’ve developed for client Miso & Easy. You can use their ready-made miso or you can use regular miso paste found in your grocery store. I prefer shiro miso, which is a white miso, the most mild and least salty.

Easiest way to make foolproof roast chicken is to spatchcock it. The backbone is cut out of the whole chicken so that the chicken can lay flat while cooking. Thus cuts down the cooking time and helps the chicken roast evenly. Carving the chicken is much easier too, you can even carve it with a small knife.

How to Spatchcock Chicken

Lay the chicken breast side down, so that the back is facing up.

Miso Roast Chicken prep

The backbone runs along the center. Use sharp kitchen shears to cut about 3/4″ to the side of the backbone.

Miso Roast Chicken cutting

Cut all the way up.

Miso Roast Chicken cutting 2

And do the same on the other side.

Miso Roast Chicken removing the backbone

Remove the backbone (save it for stock making)

Miso Roast Chicken backbone removed

So now you’re left with a backbone-less chicken.  Flip the chicken over and you’ll see that it lays flat.

Miso Roast Chicken flipped

Marinate the chicken in a plastic bag overnight. If you’re in a hurry, no need to marinate – you can slather on the miso marinade and it can go straight in the oven.

Miso Roast Chicken marinating

Here are the ingredients you will need:

ingredient map Miso Roast Chicken Recipe


When ready to cook, lay the chicken flat in a roasting pan. Make sure that the legs are placed this way, so that all of the skin of the chicken is facing up.

Miso Roast Chicken getting ready to roast

Cook in the oven for 20 minutes, then cover with tin foil and cook for an additional 25 minutes.

Miso Roast Chicken side view

If you’d like to GRILL the spatchcocked chicken – even better! Lay the chicken skin side down on a heated grill. See how it lays nice and flat on the grill?

Grill until the skin-side is nice and browned. Then flip to finish cooking.


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